If you are looking to reach your full potential in Sports, Career, Relationships, health and money, You are in the right place!

Is this you?

You are committed to being the best you can be, in all aspects of your life, but something is blocking you from reaching your full potential – be it in your chosen sport, career, relationships, health or money

You are doing what you can to reach the next level, but you find yourself sabotaging your own efforts, feeling stuck, feeling completely at a loss what to do next, as things just don’t go your way and your performance and happiness is suffering.

You want to reach your full potential in your sports, career and finances, and you want better health and relationships.

But something is holding you back from getting to that next level and the key to that is found in your mindset

I’m Julia King

A Rapid Transformational therapist (RTT) for men, women and children, who want to reach their full potential in sports, school/exams, career, relationships and wealth.

Together we will find the root cause of what has been blocking you from achieving the success and happiness you desire and deserve, and we will clear it using RTT, a hybrid therapy that offers unparalleled results, after just one session (or up to 3 in more complicated cases)

You will feel more confident, empowered, alligned and have the understanding to make the changes necessary in your life to reach your full potential.

I will help you clear the blocks that stop you from feeling great about yourself, and will transform your life, quickly, effectively and permanently.

Your mind holds the key to unlock your blocks. You deserve the freedom you will find.

Who do I work with

Adults & Children who are committed to transforming their lives and reaching their full potential

Adults and Children, who are willing to put the time and commitment to upgrade their life.

Young  People

I help you identify what is holding you back be it, stress/overwhelm, anxiety, lack of confidence, fear of failure, exam stress and self doubt and turn it around to help you achieve the level of success you desire in sports/school/life/health and relationships


I help you identify what is causing you stress, overwhelm and worry. Why you keep self-sabotaging your success with work, relationships, money and health, or feel at a loss about what you can do. If you feel like you’ve lost your sense of purpose and feel stuck, then there is a fast , effective and permanent solution, that I can help you achieve.


I help women going through a transformational time, who feel stuck, are struggling in their career/relationships/health or have money issues. I help women who have infertility issues and are looking for a natural alternative or adjunct to IVF. I give women their lives back with more joy, freedom, peace and empowerment.

Imagine what life would look like if you lived without the debilitating effects of the limiting beliefs and worry you carry………..

Success Stories